Global Cross Border
Financial Consulting

Creating solutions as unique to you as your fingerprint.

Understanding the issues on both sides of the border (whichever border it is) is critical to helping you identify what is holding you back. From tax residency to cross border financial planning, State Bird will create a plan as unique as your fingerprint to assist you.

  • Analysis of circumstances associated with tax residency

  • Immigration consulting in collaboration with your immigration attorney to determine different options available

  • Advice regarding integration of tax planning and immigration planning to achieve maximum flexibility

  • Strategic analysis of cross-border business succession and family wealth objectives

  • US Estate tax analysis and recommendations, including global estate planning review and recommendations

  • Preparation of step-by-step guide to ensure your goals are met

  • Coordinating your financial planning

  • Foreign Tax Credits Analysis and recommendations

  • Nearly everyone who has moved from another country has foreign tax credits. When moving from higher tax jurisdictions (Canada) to lower tax jurisdictions (USA), there are excess tax credits. When structured properly, individuals and business can offset current income tax payable with foreign sourced income.


    -Analysis of foreign tax credit situation

    -Review of current income streams and structures

    -Recommendations to utilize foreign tax credits

    -Deployment of Capital to utilize foreign tax credits

With decades of experience, we have found no family or individual is the same, thus each of our plans are as unique as your fingerprint. Our three-phase approach allows you to know upfront the pros and cons, the costs of each segment, and the pre-defined time frames for each of the phases.